Learn Modern Standard Arabic
researches, and all official papers. If you plan to visit or work in any Arab country, you need to learn Modern Standard Arabic as it will make your life easier. You will learn the basics of Arabic grammar, writing, and pronunciation. Your teacher will speak with you in Arabic to improve your Arabic speaking skill and may ask you to write a composition in Arabic.
Learn Qaida Noorania
If you want to teach your kid how to read Arabic and/or Al Quran, Qaida Noorania is the best approach for that purpose. It is designed for kids in the first place. It teaches them how to read and pronounce the Arabic letters and words correctly. After that, it will be easy for them to read Arabic and Al Quran. Kids will learn singular alphabets, consonants in combination or joined with others, divided letters “Al-Huruf Al-Muqata’a,” vowels, Tanween, and other rules.